How To Balance Gaming And Life? [Pro Tips For Gamers]
How To Balance Gaming And Life? Growing up is a bummer. Cubicles have taken the place of jungle gyms, while healthy almonds have taken the place of gobs of Gushers. Or something similar to that.
One of the most frustrating parts of getting older is that you never seem to have enough time for yourself. For any reason. This includes video games, which are often the first to go to make sacrifices.

“Well, I used to play a lot of games, but I just don’t have time for them anymore,” is one of the saddest things I hear. Video games did not cut the priority list. Sure, you can still binge-watch TV series and attend concerts regularly, but video games? Video games may be phased out.
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How To Balance Gaming And Life?
I try to encourage more folks to at least try to make gaming a more significant part of their lives; here are some time management suggestions that will assist them.
Limit your consumption and stay away from the genuinely time-consuming games. This isn’t your typical college situation. We don’t have the luxury of locking ourselves up in our dorm rooms for the weekend, playing rounds of GoldenEye and Halo with our mates, floormates, friends, and, wait, is that my English professor? Prioritizing which games we play is more crucial than ever.
I’ve gone so far as to remove entire games from consideration. I used to spend whole days playing World of Warcraft. I used to be a member of a guild. I was socializing entailed logging in to speak with guildmates and playing online games with friends. It got to the point where I’d raid a dungeon while simultaneously watching TV.
However, I no longer play never-ending MMOs because it is vital not to waste an entire day. However, I play some games from dawn to dusk (and not just when I’m reviewing them). I adore gaming enough that even if I spend the entire day playing Ni no Kuni, I still feel useful. Because I also play games for a living, it’ll probably be a little different for me than it will be for you. However, this isn’t the case for everyone. You might not want to devote your entire day to a game if you have family and other commitments. You may feel bad for putting off doing the laundry and delaying off building that bike for your child.
Skip the Extras and Get to Gaming
It can be challenging to let go of an entire genre, such as RPGs, simply because they require so much time to complete. If you’d rather avoid that difficult decision, avoiding side quests and undisclosed things can be a good idea, especially if you plan to complete one of these games.
“Spending less time exploring areas of the map (or, better yet, opting out of laborious inventory/character management) equals more time for gaming,” Dan says.
Randy, the father of one gorgeous little daughter (and a personal acquaintance), points out that awards and accolades can also stymie game completion. “Some are designed to pad gameplay or divert you from completing the game more naturally.”
Keep Your Priorities Straight
This is not the time to test out that new DLC for your favorite game if your infant is wailing hysterically in need of a diaper change. First, go change poopy butt over there.
If you promised your partner that you’d make them a romantic supper that weekend, go grocery shopping first.
If you have a TPS report due at 9 a.m., make sure you finish it first so you can relax and play later.
For instance, if your wife asks you for help with chores, the appropriate response to that call is, you put down the controller and help her first.
Diversify Your Media Intake
If you’ve been to a lot of gigs recently or are really into a comic series, try substituting your current interest with a video game you’ve been meaning to check out. You’re not abandoning any of your responsibilities; you’re simply swapping one enjoyable interest for another. Plus, it’ll keep the experience of reading that comic or meeting up with your music-obsessed friends (or whatever else) fresh and exciting. Everyone comes out on top.
Be Selective; Keep Your Library Tight
All of my games are kept by myself. In general, I enjoy libraries of all kinds. It appears to be a good representation of my interests, memories, and preferences. It can be intimidating to look at a shelf and realize you haven’t played more than half of the games on it. One or two of them may still be shrink-wrapped. But, hey, you’re a grown-up now. You do not have the time to play every game that releases.
Talk to your buddies, check out some of your favorite gaming websites (oops), and figure out which games you absolutely must play. When we go shopping for clothes, my mother gives me similar advice. She says that if you’re hesitating, you’re probably never going to wear it. She’s correct. The same may be said of games. If you don’t get enthused about a game you buy, you’ll probably put it down in favor of an old favorite or whatever new game comes up. As a result, you should be picky about whatever games you buy.
Play On Easy Difficulty
This was a particularly challenging transition for me. I still like to play on at least a “Normal” difficulty setting. Still, if I know a game will be extremely long, I’ll linger over the Easy option for an excessive period before deciding to give it a shot. I still get to play the game, but it takes a lot less time, and who knows, I could even enjoy it more as a result.
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Bottom Line
These are only a few suggestions that come to mind. Many of these are rules I’ve developed as my leisure time shrinks. Others arose due to crowdsourcing from parents and other busy players who face even more difficult time constraints.
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